Opportunities for Independent Property Adjusters in AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, AL, HI, MD, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OR, PA, SC, TX, VA, and WA. 


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Opportunity to receive claims immediately.  Please complete the form below.  We have opportunities for CAT duty and for day to day claims in your home area.

Web Form
First Name   :
Last Name   :
Email   :
Phone   :
Mobile   :
Street   :
City   :
State   :
Zip Code   :
Is Xactimate installed on your computer?   :
Do you own the Xactimate on your computer?   :
Have you adjusted 100+ claims in Xactimate?   :
Have you adjusted 100+ CAT claims?   :
Have you adjusted 100+ ALE claims?   :
Have you adjusted 100+ BI claims?   :
Are you CA earthquake certified?   :
Are you interested in traveling for CAT duty?   :
What versions of Xactimate do you have?   :
What is your Xactnet address?   :
Can you accept claims assigned via XactAnalysis?   :
Can you accept claims immediately?   :
What insurance carriers have you worked for?   :
What sets you apart from other adjusters?   :
Anything else you would like to share?   :
List states where you hold an adjusters license.   :
List estimating platforms you are confortable with   :
List industry designations you have earned.   :
List additional training you have completed.   :
Are you NFIP certified?   :
Have you worked as a remote supervisor?   :
What are your Adjuster License Numbers?   :
Do you prefer CAT or Non-CAT and why?   :
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